Helping students thrive

If you're a student, click HERE to talk to your Counselor.

If you're an adult, click HERE to contact a Counselor.

how we help

  • Individual Counseling and Referrals: Brief counseling to provide social/emotional support

  • Group Counseling: Small groups discussing topics such as emotional regulation, decision making, self-esteem, communication, and grief

  • Crisis Intervention and Support: Emergency mental health interventions, assessments, and referrals

  • Transition Support: Support with transitioning grades, schools, and moves

  • School-Wide Supports: Social and Emotional learning lessons, activities and supports for all children

  • Family Support: Mental health, housing, food, and more

  • Success supports: Supports around attendance, grades, and engagement

  • Career and Future Planning: Goal setting, transition planning, and career inventories

  • Scheduling: Scheduling of middle school classes and transitions to high school

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